It can be a challenge to know where to find trustworthy resources. When you need the information to help you make important decisions that affect your life like if you should continue your education beyond high school, take out a student loan for college, or choosing a career, you need to know someone is thinking about you first – not about selling you something.
That’s where Bank of North Dakota steps in. As the bank for the state of North Dakota, it exists to serve North Dakotans. We don’t have sales goals to meet – our job is to help. If you need a student loan for college, we’re happy to spend time and visit with you about your options. We want you to make the best choice for you, even if it isn’t our own loan!
We’ve worked hard the past few years to build up our library of options for you to learn about how to manage your money and what to do after high school graduation. Feel free to check out these resources and know that we are just a phone call away, Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT at 833.397.0311. Grab your latte and give us a call.
- BND’s YouTube channel: Loads of quick videos.
- BND’s financial education page: Loads of resources.