It’s important to take the right steps with your student loans because they must be repaid and cannot be discharged, even during bankruptcy.
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Student Loan Refinancing May Save You Money
Interest rates are low right now. Have you considered refinancing your student loans? Bank of North Dakota’s program may save you money.
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Understanding the types of student loans and their benefits, along with interest rate options, will help determine if refinancing is right for you.
Continue ReadingThe Answer Sheet: Refinancing Student Loans
An answer sheet for all the trending student loan refinancing questions. Find answers to what everyone else has been asking about.
Continue ReadingRepaying Student Loans? What You Need to Know.
You’ll most likely have a six-month grace period from the time you graduate until you start making payments, so plan to use that time to learn more about your repayment options and to begin budgeting for monthly payments.
Continue ReadingThe Loan Truth and Nothing but the Truth
You start paying for student loans six months after you graduate or leave college. Make sure the career you choose offers a salary large enough to repay your loans. A good rule of thumb is your payments should not exceed 10 percent of your net income when you graduate college.
Continue ReadingThe Student Loan Process for Nontraditional Students
The most important thing to understand about student loans is that they are loans – not free money. Like any loan, they need to be paid back, plus interest.
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