Scholarships don’t need to be repaid, making them a great way to help pay for college. Unlike grants which you apply for when you complete the FAFSA, scholarships are financial aid you must research and find to apply for them. Grants are income-based, but scholarships are available for people of all interests, grade point averages and income levels.
Some scholarships require more effort than others. However, many of them ask similar types of questions. You should save answers to review and modify slightly for different applications.
Most scholarship applications will ask a few questions about you and your high school career and will probably want you to write a short essay or two. Less than an hour of work could get you $1,000! Regardless of what career you pursue, this is probably the only time in your life that you’ll manage to make $1,000 per hour.
Scholarships and grants may be based on your financial need, group affiliations, grades, ACT® or SAT® test scores or an extracurricular activity. Click below for some of the scholarships and grants that are available.