While college is a good investment, it is expensive. Tuition costs are likely to keep rising, so it’s good to have a plan. Start saving as early as possible. Every dollar saved today is one less you’ll need to find in grants, scholarships and student loans later.
One of the best ways to save money for college is with a College SAVE 529 account. With a 529 account, your money not only grows tax deferred which means your money grows faster, but North Dakota tax filers may deduct contributions annually from their North Dakota taxable incomes. And when the time comes to take the money out of your account for qualified college expenses, your withdrawal is tax free.
Anyone can open an account with as little as $25 for a child of any age, and the Ugift platform allows family and friends to contribute to the College SAVE account. Three different match programs for newborns, kindergartners and children up to age 16 are also available to help a majority of North Dakotans.
Visit collegesave4u.com to learn more.
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